The Outside World for Muggles

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Random Room

Here you can talk about pretty much anything. Though, if it has a subboard, post it there please.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: Polls, The Prophet, FanFictionaries, The Workshop, The Music Room, Games

3 12 Post a picture of YOUR PETS!
Dec 16, 2007 21:06:09 GMT -5
No New Posts The Graveyard

Here is where all archived profiles and posts will be taken.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Affiliation

Here is all the sites you can post here for us to see, and where we will have a list of places we are too, affiliated with.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

1 1 A list of Affiliations
by Kenna Trailwater
Dec 10, 2007 20:58:00 GMT -5

The 'No Strings Attached' Handbook

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Official No Strings Attached Protocol

Here you can find the Protocol for the site... Please read and follow along with this for full enjoyment of the site.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: The Timeline, Information on the Site

2 25 The Warning System
by Kenna Trailwater
Dec 10, 2007 20:25:03 GMT -5
No New Posts A Member's Input

Here is where you, the member can put up any questions or suggestions for the site.
The absense sub-board is also located here.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-board: Absences

2 4 Kenna Phails at Life
by Kenna Trailwater
Jan 6, 2008 22:23:37 GMT -5
No New Posts Information on the Site

Here you will find information about happenings in No Stings Attached.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: Plots / Sub-plots Going on in the Site, Staff Updates and Notices

6 6 Common Room Passwords
by Kenna Trailwater
Jan 13, 2008 12:03:53 GMT -5
No New Posts The Admin/Staff Library

Here is an area just for the admin and staff... So we can talk bad about you and laugh at you without you knowing.


Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: Site Passwords, People's Characters

16 16
No New Posts A Guest's Place

Here is the only guest friendly board on the site. This is meant for questions a guest might have only.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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Creating A Character

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Character Registration

Here is where you register for a character. You must put them in the correct sub-board and you must use the correct template.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: Templates and Other Information on Character Making, Incomplete Profiles, Finished Profiles, Teachers, Gryffindor Students, Slytherin Students, Hufflepuff Students, Ravenclaw Students

11 19 Alex Walsh
by Kenna Trailwater
Jan 5, 2008 11:22:17 GMT -5
No New Posts Must Haves for a Character

Here is where you register for your spells and classes.

Also, here you will find the list for taken celebrities, a calender for birthdays, and a website that can generate wands. You will also find the requirements and information on teachers.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: The Spell Registries, The Class Registries, Teachers

9 22 Spell Restrictions
by Allison 'Aly' Campbell
Dec 11, 2007 23:07:51 GMT -5
No New Posts The Plotter

Here is where you can make up plots for your character and have other people help out.

Stuff like relationships, friendships, enemies.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

1 1 Get Your Plot Added to The Plot Subboard
by Kenna Trailwater
Dec 10, 2007 14:57:01 GMT -5

The Dungeon

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Potions Classroom

Deep in the dungeons... You can find yourself the potions class. Even though Professor Snape no longer teaches there... It still is avoided by most kids, no one seems to like the class... Except for the Slytherins.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Kitchen in the Dungeon

Miss a meal? Hungry? Come down here and of course, a nice house elf will fix you something... If you can guess the password in and not get caught.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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Ground Level

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No New Posts The Great Hall

The Great Hall is a vast chamber with an enchanted ceiling that mirrors the sky outside. Four long tables for the four houses. Closest to the doors from the Entrance Hall is Slytherin, then Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and next to the far wall, Gryffindor. The teachers sit at the High Table, a table on a raised platform at the front of the room.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

1 2 The Great Feast Starts The Year [Everyone Post]
by Kenna Trailwater
Jan 12, 2008 10:49:59 GMT -5
No New Posts The Staff Lounge

Here is where the teachers can come to relax and talk about their students and stuff like that.

Teachers only.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Transfiguration Classroom

The Transfiguration classroom is where you, obviously, will take your Transfiguration class. It'd be wise not to get on the teacher's bad side... Of course that goes for all teachers though.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Hospital Wing

Yes, Hogwarts got a revampnd the hospital wing can now be found on the first floor.

Come here if you've broken a bone or have gotten sick. The nurse'll fix you up.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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The Second Level

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The History of Magic Classroom

This is the History of Magic classroom... Here you learn the history of magic of course.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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The Third Level

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Charms Classroom

Here is the Charms classroom where you learn many charms and jinxes that could prove useful later in life.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom

Here is the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. This class is a great hands-on-expirence if you ever intend on fighting dark wizards some day.

Moderators: Kenna Trailwater, sain

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The Fourth Level

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No New Posts A Secret Corridor

Here is a secret corridor, hidden behind a statue of the famous Harry Potter. This leads down into the ground, and if you follow the left path it will take you to Hogsmeade, and if you take the right path it will take you to Diagon Alley.

Just don't get caught.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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The Fifth Level

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No New Posts The Muggle Studies Classroom

Here is a classroom where you learn more on things like muggles and muggle objects.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Library

Here you can find the school's library and its vast selection of books.

There are many tables you can sit at and read or work... And the favorite by every student, the restricted section which students are not allowed to enter without teacher permission.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-board: The Restricted Section

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The Sixth Level

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Ancient Runes Classroom

Here is the Ancient Runes classroom. You learn about ancient runes and how they have helped in the past for many people.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Arithmancy Classroom

Here is the Arithmancy classroom. Have you ever wondered what sort or numerical classes the wizards teach? Well come in on in!

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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The Seventh Level

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Room of Requirement

Only a few students know about the room of requirement and to those who do it is a most wondrous room. Sometimes it is there and sometimes it is not but when it is there it is always equipt for the seeker's need.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Broom Closet

Here is a... Broom closet. It holds brooms, mops, and other cleaning supplies.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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Hogwarts' Towers

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No New Posts The Owlery Tower

Here is where many of the students' owls live during the school year.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Astronomy Tower

Here is the astronomy tower used at night for the students taking Astronomy. There are spare telescopes and constellation sky charts kept here also.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Divination Tower

Here is the Divination tower for the students taking Divination.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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House Common Rooms

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Hufflepuff Common Room

Here is of course, where the loyal, hardworking Hufflepuff students sleep and hang around. You aren't getting in without the password however.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: The Girls' Dormitory, The Boys' Dormitory

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No New Posts The Slytherin Common Room

Here is where you find the Slytherin common room. You aren't getting in without the password, and if you get it and you aren't a Slytherin...
I'll send you flowers to your grave.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: The Girls' Dormitory, The Boys' Dormitory

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No New Posts The Gryffindor Common Room and Tower

Here is the tower in which the Gryffindor common room resides. In other words, this is where the brave and adventurous Gryffindors spend their time partying, plotting and 'listening' to the prefects who tell them to do their homework.
You aren't getting in without a password, so know it or get lost.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: The Girls' Dormitory, The Boys' Dormitory

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No New Posts The Ravenclaw Common Room

Here is where you can find the common room for the witty, intellegent Raveclaw students. You aren't getting in without the password, you if you are a Ravenclaw, you'd better get it memorized.

Sub-boards: The Girls' Dormitory, The Boys' Dormitory

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The Hogwarts Grounds

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No New Posts Care of Magical Creatures

Here is where the Care of Magical Creatures is located. In this class you learn about many different magical creatures.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Greenhouses

Here is where the herbology classrooms are. There is a separate green house for each year.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: First Years, Second Years, Third Years, Fourth Years, Fifth Years, Sixth Years, Seventh Years

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No New Posts The Quidditch Pitch

Here is where the quidditch games and practices are held.

Flying lessons are also held at the Quidditch Pitch.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts The Courtyards

Here are the courtyards of Hogwarts. You could spread out and study or do homework while the weather is nice, but once winter hits the courtyards are covered in white snow.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-board: The Black Lake

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No New Posts The Forbidden Forest

The Forbidden forest is off limits to all students who do not want to meet up with werewolves, vampires and other vicious beasts.

If you get caught sneaking in, you will be punished.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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The Wizarding World

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No New Posts Platform 9 3/4

Here is where you board the train to get to the famous school of Hogwarts.

Will be leaving September First(January 1)

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

1 24 The Hogwarts Train Departs [Everyone Post Here]
by Kenna Trailwater
Jan 8, 2008 22:32:38 GMT -5
No New Posts Diagon Alley

Here you can get all your school books and equiptment. There are, however, many more things you can do here. For instance you could have some ice-cream, choose a pet, and get almost anything from the many stores that decorate Diagon Alley.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts Knockturn Alley

Only the very dark wizards belong in the streets of Knockturn Alley. You wouldn't want to get caught down here unless you are of the darker kind or a member of the Death Eaters. The Order of the Phoenix and Ministry Officials would never be caught dead down here, and if they were caught... They would be dead.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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No New Posts Hogsmeade

Students of Hogwarts can go into Hogsmeade during weekends if they have their permission slip signed by their parent or guardian. Home to the Shrieking Shack.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

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A Wizard's Living Place

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No New Posts Living Areas

Here you can find sub-boards for living places.

Moderator: Kenna Trailwater

Sub-boards: Hogsmeade Village, Godric's Hollow, Little Hangleton, Little Whinging, Grimmauld Place, Country Side

4 11


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